Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Treat Day.

Some future school members.
The home and school committee that fed everyone sausages, fizzy drink, ice-blocks, lollypops and candy canes. Yummy said the children.

Dawn was a wonderful help spinning those children around.

Careful Zak.
Watch out here comes Shavanna.
Gosh you are up high Chloe.

Our seniors just loved these activities.

Good on you Braydon that looks like fun.

Here's Jacob and Tyrone.

The smaller pool.

Waiting for instructions.

Some of our wonderful parents who did transport so we could go.

All those excited Foxton Beach School children waiting to go on treat day. We went by car to the Levin swimming pool and then onto the Levin Adventure Play area. The Home and School Association paid for the day and gave the children lunch and some treats. A fantastic time was had by all. It was very hot and we had lots of children sound asleep on our trip back to school.

final harvest 16.12

Raydon helping pull the garlic out.

Joshua holding one of our yellow zucchini.

Tahila was trying to work out which one was a carrot.

Rayden is our keenest gardener. He pulled our carrots for lunch.

Today we picked our zucchini's, carrots, sugarsnap peas and garlic to eat and to take home. We are using one of the lettuce for the staff luncheon tomorrow to farewell Miss Brouwers, Mrs Rehu, Miss Anderson, Mrs Rainham and Mrs McNabb.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Look at our garden 9.12

Great photography Mya.

Our garden is growing amazingly fast. We have flowers on our sugar snap peas and beans. We will harvest our garlic to take home next week before school finishes for the year. Our two zucchini plants have flowered and are now cropping. Our sunflowers are growing taller than the children.

Friday, December 3, 2010

N.Z.E.I. 2.12.2010 Registration

Miss Keast being congratulated by Mrs Gena Rehu our A.P.
Miss Christia Anderson being congratulated by our D.P. Mrs Anthea Whitley.

The new registered teachers with their support teachers.

Two of our teachers received their full registration on Thursday 2.12.10.

Miss Jenny Keast and Miss Christa Anderson. Miss Brouwers our Principal was also farewelled.

Wonderful gala

We had the most beautiful weather for our school twilight gala. Room 2 sold all their beautiful spiders and insects for 50cents each a real bargin. The other treat was that for free you could have your photo taken of the Bledisloe cup. It is very big.