Some future school members.

The home and school committee that fed everyone sausages, fizzy drink, ice-blocks, lollypops and candy canes. Yummy said the children.

Dawn was a wonderful help spinning those children around.

Careful Zak.

Watch out here comes Shavanna.

Gosh you are up high Chloe.

Our seniors just loved these activities.

Good on you Braydon that looks like fun.

Here's Jacob and Tyrone.

The smaller pool.

Waiting for instructions.

Some of our wonderful parents who did transport so we could go.

All those excited Foxton Beach School children waiting to go on treat day. We went by car to the Levin swimming pool and then onto the Levin Adventure Play area. The Home and School Association paid for the day and gave the children lunch and some treats. A fantastic time was had by all. It was very hot and we had lots of children sound asleep on our trip back to school.